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A blog for parents who want to support their child with their experiences of anxiety.

Megan Stapelberg
Jan 31, 20231 min read
The dangers of adultification
"Children should be mature, strong and be able to deal with difficult challenges." "My daughter is 10, she is old enough to know the...

Megan Stapelberg
Jan 20, 20232 min read
3 Myths about setting boundaries
"Setting boundaries means I have to be rude or mean to the other person." "If I set boundaries, it might mean that the other person might...

Megan Stapelberg
Jan 6, 20232 min read
2023: Your year of setting boundaries
I continue to notice how setting boundaries in various spheres of our lives is such an important part of protecting our energy and our...

Megan Stapelberg
Dec 6, 20222 min read
Regulate yourself first!
Picture this: Your 6-year old is furious because they cannot have that cookie before bed-time. They scream and cry and refuse to take no...

Megan Stapelberg
Nov 22, 20221 min read
How to use screen time constructively
We cannot deny that electronic screens are a part of our children's lives, no matter how we look at it. Keeping your child's exposure to...

Megan Stapelberg
Nov 8, 20222 min read
Getting rid of "should" and "must"
How many times have you told your child they "should be able" to do this or that? What are you really communicating to them when using...

Megan Stapelberg
Oct 25, 20221 min read
We are not our thoughts!
Bring the following image to your imagination: You see blue skies with a few fluffy, white clouds floating by. Now, place yourself in...

Megan Stapelberg
Oct 11, 20222 min read
The trap of toxic positivity
Having a positive outlook on life is important in today's world. Many things are happening around us that are concerning, frustrating and...

Megan Stapelberg
Oct 4, 20221 min read
From fixed mindset to growth mindset
American psychologist, Carol Dweck, discovered 30 years ago that what made students succeed at school was their attitude towards failure,...

Megan Stapelberg
Sep 27, 20221 min read
When to consider therapy for your child
Society is making positive strides towards talking more openly about mental health and towards seeking help when needed. Are you, as a...

Megan Stapelberg
Sep 20, 20222 min read
Making friends starts with being friends with myself.
Children (and adults!) need to understand that being their own friend is the first step to being friends with others. How can we be...

Megan Stapelberg
Sep 13, 20221 min read
Presence & peace are possible!
If you haven't caught mindfulness-fever yet, jump aboard, because this sure is a practice fit for everyone- young or old. iPads,...

Megan Stapelberg
Sep 6, 20222 min read
"I am feeling angry right now. This is why..."
How frequently do you model emotional awareness to your child? When you are angry or sad, do you tell them that you feel this way in the...

Megan Stapelberg
Aug 30, 20221 min read
"Terug naar school!" -Back to school in the Netherlands
Many of my blog-readers currently live in the Netherlands and will have children starting the new school year in the weeks to come. Read...

Megan Stapelberg
Aug 23, 20222 min read
Children can easily cope with change, right?!
Have you ever said or thought the words in the title of my blog? Or have you ever heard someone say it before? As adults, we easily...

Megan Stapelberg
Aug 3, 20222 min read
Welcome to my Blog!
Read this post to learn more about Mind & Heart Consulting & why I started this practice.
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